Assigned Reading:

Chapter 4 from: Zuur, A. F., Ieno, E. N., Walker, N., Saveliev, A. A. and Smith, G. M. 2009. Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. Springer. link

Key Points

From Chapter 2

“In none of these [35] real data sets could we find a non-trivial example for a linear regression model for which all assumptions held.”


  • One frequently violated assumption = homogeneity, i.e., that residuals are normally distributed with a mean of 0 and a fixed variace, σ2:

    • \(Y_i = \alpha + \beta_1 X_{1i} + \beta_2 X_{2i} + \epsilon_i\)
    • \(\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2)\)
  • How to check for homogeneity

    Residuals vs. fitted values (Fig 4.2a)

  • How to identify source of variation in residuals

    Residuals vs. explanatory variables (Fig. 4.2b, c)

Many variance structures (Table 4.1)

  • V1<-varFixed(∼DML)
    • \(\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2 \times \mathrm{DML}_i) \ \ i = 1, \ldots, 768\)
  • V1<-varIdent(form= ∼ 1 | fMONTH)
    • \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma_j^{2}) \ \ j = 1, \ldots, 12\)
  • V1<-varPower(form =∼ DML)
    • \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2 \times |\mathrm{DML}_i|^{2\delta})\)
  • V1<-varPower(form =∼ DML | fMONTH)
    • \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2 \times |\mathrm{DML}_{ij}|^{2\delta_j})\)
  • V1<-varExp(form =∼ DML)
    • \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2 \times e^{2 \delta \times \mathrm{DML}_{ij}})\)
  • V1<-varConstPower(form =∼ DML)
    • \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2 \times (\delta_1 + |\mathrm{DML}_{ij}|^{\delta_2})^2)\)
  • V1<-varComb(varIdent(form =∼ 1 | fMONTH), varExp(form =∼ DML))
    • \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2_j \times e^{2 \delta \times \mathrm{DML}_{ij}})\)

How to choose variance structure? - AIC, e.g., AIC(M.lm, M.gls1, M.gls2)

Suggested protocol

  1. Fit a full model
  2. Plot standardized residuals vs. each predictor
    • If variance shows a relationship with any predictor, re-fit model with a modified variance structure.
  3. Compare models using AIC or LR test
    • If better, extract standardized residuals, plot against other factors, and continue to modify variance structure.
  4. Remove non-significant terms from fixed effects, re-examine residual plots (iterative process)
  5. Interpret

Analysis Example

Random/explanatory variables are heterskedastic if there are sub-populations that have different variabilities from others.“Variability” could be quantified by the variance or other measures of statistical dispersion.

Why is it a problem in regression??

Want models that consistantly predict response variable across different values of the explanatory variable. So if you plot residuals (the difference between modeled and actual data) the residuals should be uniform across the explanatory variable. If not, then this indicates heterogeneity/ heteroskedasticity. Modeling errors are assumed to be uncorrelated and uniform in tests so heterskedasticity is a problem.

Code and data from Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R (2009) Zuur, Ieno, Walker, Saveliev and Smith. Springer available at

Example 1: Squid testis weight v. dorsal mantle length

Load the data, relevant code, and libraries.

# Read in files from local copies on your computer
Squid <- read.table(file = "data/Squid.txt", header = TRUE, dec=".") 

# If you do not have these files on your computer use:
Squid <- read.table("", header = T)

A good first step is to investigate structure of the Squid data set.

## 'data.frame':    768 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Specimen    : int  1017 1034 1070 1070 1019 1002 1001 1013 1002 1006 ...
##  $ YEAR        : int  1991 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1990 1990 1990 ...
##  $ MONTH       : int  2 9 12 11 8 10 5 7 7 7 ...
##  $ DML         : int  136 144 108 130 121 117 133 105 109 97 ...
##  $ Testisweight: num  0.006 0.008 0.008 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.017 0.017 ...
##  $ fMONTH      : Factor w/ 12 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 9 12 11 8 10 5 7 7 7 ...

Then, inspect residuals across explanatory variables. The variability along the explanatory variable should be consistant. Look out for cone shapes!

Looks like we have cones, our data is hetergeneous/heteroskedastic. Now it’s time to investigate variance covariates. There are several possible types of relationships between variance and covariates.

R function Description
VarFixed Fixed variance
VarIdent Different variances per stratum
VarPower Power of the variance covariate
VarExp Exponential of the variance covariate
VarConstPower Constant plus power of the variance covariate
VarComb A combination of variance functions

Let’s start with a simple linear model and GLS (generalized least squares) model with fixed variance along DML (variance that is proportional to DML).

*Note unweighted gls is just a lm

##        Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik
## M.lm       1 25 3752.084 3867.385 -1851.042
## M.gls1     2 25 3620.898 3736.199 -1785.449

Now allow for different variance for each month

vf2 <- varIdent(form= ~ 1|fMONTH)
M.gls2 <- gls(Testisweight ~ DML*fMONTH,
              weights=vf2, data =Squid)
##        Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M.lm       1 25 3752.084 3867.385 -1851.042                        
## M.gls1     2 25 3620.898 3736.199 -1785.449                        
## M.gls2     3 36 3614.436 3780.469 -1771.218 2 vs 3 28.46161  0.0027
##        Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M.lm       1 25 3752.084 3867.385 -1851.042                        
## M.gls2     2 36 3614.436 3780.469 -1771.218 1 vs 2 159.6479  <.0001
## Generalized least squares fit by REML
##   Model: Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH 
##   Data: Squid 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   3614.436 3780.469 -1771.218
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
##  Formula: ~1 | fMONTH 
##  Parameter estimates:
##         2         9        12        11         8        10         5 
## 1.0000000 2.9913588 1.2736165 1.5090471 0.9821378 2.2162169 1.6396315 
##         7         6         4         1         3 
## 1.3783514 1.6473098 1.4232366 1.9584902 1.9788666 
## Coefficients:
##                   Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
## (Intercept)    3.215222 1.8341071  1.753017  0.0800
## DML            0.021157 0.0054400  3.889175  0.0001
## fMONTH2       -6.720020 1.9597221 -3.429068  0.0006
## fMONTH3       -3.926923 2.1674222 -1.811794  0.0704
## fMONTH4       -4.772045 2.0577397 -2.319071  0.0207
## fMONTH5       -2.771457 2.1100343 -1.313466  0.1894
## fMONTH6       -9.598061 2.2226968 -4.318205  0.0000
## fMONTH7       -7.494959 2.0476376 -3.660295  0.0003
## fMONTH8       -7.479426 2.1418112 -3.492103  0.0005
## fMONTH9      -14.963009 2.1846006 -6.849311  0.0000
## fMONTH10     -12.320827 1.9458121 -6.331972  0.0000
## fMONTH11     -12.650490 2.0247519 -6.247921  0.0000
## fMONTH12      -9.235813 1.9872672 -4.647494  0.0000
## DML:fMONTH2    0.018032 0.0062548  2.882916  0.0041
## DML:fMONTH3    0.003151 0.0067435  0.467309  0.6404
## DML:fMONTH4    0.002972 0.0064731  0.459058  0.6463
## DML:fMONTH5   -0.008677 0.0066347 -1.307773  0.1914
## DML:fMONTH6    0.017620 0.0075283  2.340566  0.0195
## DML:fMONTH7    0.004647 0.0067263  0.690912  0.4898
## DML:fMONTH8    0.000500 0.0069997  0.071447  0.9431
## DML:fMONTH9    0.044242 0.0068417  6.466483  0.0000
## DML:fMONTH10   0.039495 0.0059475  6.640523  0.0000
## DML:fMONTH11   0.046671 0.0066109  7.059729  0.0000
## DML:fMONTH12   0.034099 0.0064115  5.318337  0.0000
##  Correlation: 
##              (Intr) DML    fMONTH2 fMONTH3 fMONTH4 fMONTH5 fMONTH6 fMONTH7
## DML          -0.979                                                       
## fMONTH2      -0.936  0.916                                                
## fMONTH3      -0.846  0.829  0.792                                         
## fMONTH4      -0.891  0.873  0.834   0.754                                 
## fMONTH5      -0.869  0.851  0.814   0.736   0.775                         
## fMONTH6      -0.825  0.808  0.772   0.698   0.735   0.717                 
## fMONTH7      -0.896  0.877  0.838   0.758   0.798   0.779   0.739         
## fMONTH8      -0.856  0.839  0.801   0.725   0.763   0.744   0.707   0.767 
## fMONTH9      -0.840  0.822  0.786   0.710   0.748   0.730   0.693   0.752 
## fMONTH10     -0.943  0.923  0.882   0.798   0.840   0.819   0.778   0.844 
## fMONTH11     -0.906  0.887  0.848   0.767   0.807   0.787   0.747   0.811 
## fMONTH12     -0.923  0.904  0.864   0.781   0.823   0.802   0.762   0.827 
## DML:fMONTH2   0.852 -0.870 -0.962  -0.721  -0.759  -0.740  -0.703  -0.763 
## DML:fMONTH3   0.790 -0.807 -0.739  -0.973  -0.704  -0.687  -0.652  -0.708 
## DML:fMONTH4   0.823 -0.840 -0.770  -0.696  -0.969  -0.715  -0.679  -0.737 
## DML:fMONTH5   0.803 -0.820 -0.751  -0.679  -0.716  -0.966  -0.663  -0.719 
## DML:fMONTH6   0.708 -0.723 -0.662  -0.599  -0.631  -0.615  -0.960  -0.634 
## DML:fMONTH7   0.792 -0.809 -0.741  -0.670  -0.706  -0.688  -0.654  -0.957 
## DML:fMONTH8   0.761 -0.777 -0.712  -0.644  -0.678  -0.662  -0.628  -0.682 
## DML:fMONTH9   0.779 -0.795 -0.729  -0.659  -0.694  -0.677  -0.642  -0.697 
## DML:fMONTH10  0.896 -0.915 -0.838  -0.758  -0.798  -0.779  -0.739  -0.802 
## DML:fMONTH11  0.806 -0.823 -0.754  -0.682  -0.718  -0.700  -0.665  -0.722 
## DML:fMONTH12  0.831 -0.848 -0.778  -0.703  -0.741  -0.722  -0.686  -0.744 
##              fMONTH8 fMONTH9 fMONTH10 fMONTH11 fMONTH12 DML:MONTH2
## DML                                                               
## fMONTH2                                                           
## fMONTH3                                                           
## fMONTH4                                                           
## fMONTH5                                                           
## fMONTH6                                                           
## fMONTH7                                                           
## fMONTH8                                                           
## fMONTH9       0.719                                               
## fMONTH10      0.807   0.791                                       
## fMONTH11      0.776   0.761   0.854                               
## fMONTH12      0.790   0.775   0.870    0.836                      
## DML:fMONTH2  -0.729  -0.715  -0.803   -0.771   -0.786             
## DML:fMONTH3  -0.676  -0.663  -0.745   -0.716   -0.729    0.702    
## DML:fMONTH4  -0.705  -0.691  -0.776   -0.745   -0.760    0.731    
## DML:fMONTH5  -0.688  -0.674  -0.757   -0.727   -0.741    0.713    
## DML:fMONTH6  -0.606  -0.594  -0.667   -0.641   -0.653    0.628    
## DML:fMONTH7  -0.678  -0.665  -0.747   -0.717   -0.731    0.703    
## DML:fMONTH8  -0.973  -0.639  -0.717   -0.689   -0.702    0.676    
## DML:fMONTH9  -0.667  -0.970  -0.734   -0.705   -0.719    0.692    
## DML:fMONTH10 -0.767  -0.752  -0.969   -0.811   -0.827    0.796    
## DML:fMONTH11 -0.690  -0.677  -0.760   -0.964   -0.744    0.716    
## DML:fMONTH12 -0.711  -0.698  -0.783   -0.753   -0.961    0.738    
## DML                                                                
## fMONTH2                                                            
## fMONTH3                                                            
## fMONTH4                                                            
## fMONTH5                                                            
## fMONTH6                                                            
## fMONTH7                                                            
## fMONTH8                                                            
## fMONTH9                                                            
## fMONTH10                                                           
## fMONTH11                                                           
## fMONTH12                                                           
## DML:fMONTH2                                                        
## DML:fMONTH3                                                        
## DML:fMONTH4   0.678                                                
## DML:fMONTH5   0.661      0.689                                     
## DML:fMONTH6   0.583      0.607      0.592                          
## DML:fMONTH7   0.652      0.680      0.663      0.584               
## DML:fMONTH8   0.627      0.653      0.637      0.562      0.629    
## DML:fMONTH9   0.641      0.668      0.652      0.575      0.643    
## DML:fMONTH10  0.738      0.769      0.750      0.661      0.740    
## DML:fMONTH11  0.664      0.692      0.675      0.595      0.666    
## DML:fMONTH12  0.684      0.713      0.696      0.613      0.686    
## DML                                                       
## fMONTH2                                                   
## fMONTH3                                                   
## fMONTH4                                                   
## fMONTH5                                                   
## fMONTH6                                                   
## fMONTH7                                                   
## fMONTH8                                                   
## fMONTH9                                                   
## fMONTH10                                                  
## fMONTH11                                                  
## fMONTH12                                                  
## DML:fMONTH2                                               
## DML:fMONTH3                                               
## DML:fMONTH4                                               
## DML:fMONTH5                                               
## DML:fMONTH6                                               
## DML:fMONTH7                                               
## DML:fMONTH8                                               
## DML:fMONTH9   0.618                                       
## DML:fMONTH10  0.711      0.727                            
## DML:fMONTH11  0.640      0.654      0.753                 
## DML:fMONTH12  0.659      0.675      0.776       0.698     
## Standardized residuals:
##         Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
## -3.81345785 -0.59501560 -0.03602982  0.63482429  4.28871347 
## Residual standard error: 1.273373 
## Degrees of freedom: 768 total; 744 residual

Let’s look at the residuals across months to further investigate. Graphs yay!


E <- resid(M.lm)

Now, let’s look at all the different types of variance-covariate relationships

vf3 <- varPower(form =~ DML)
M.gls3 <- gls(Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH,
              weights = vf3,data=Squid)

vf4 <- varPower(form=~ DML | fMONTH)
M.gls4<-gls(Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH, data = Squid,
              weights = vf4)

vf5 <- varExp(form =~ DML)
M.gls5 <- gls(Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH,
              weights = vf5, data = Squid)

vf6<-varConstPower(form =~ DML)
M.gls6<-gls(Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH,
            weights = vf6, data = Squid)

vf7 <- varConstPower(form =~ DML | fMONTH)
M.gls7<-gls(Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH,
              weights = vf7, data = Squid)

vf8 <- varComb(varIdent(form= ~ 1 | fMONTH) ,
                 varExp(form =~ DML) )
M.gls8<-gls(Testisweight ~ DML * fMONTH,
              weights = vf8, data = Squid)

##        Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test   L.Ratio p-value
## M.lm       1 25 3752.084 3867.385 -1851.042                         
## M.gls1     2 25 3620.898 3736.199 -1785.449                         
## M.gls2     3 36 3614.436 3780.469 -1771.218 2 vs 3  28.46162  0.0027
## M.gls3     4 26 3473.019 3592.932 -1710.509 3 vs 4 121.41700  <.0001
## M.gls4     5 37 3407.511 3578.156 -1666.755 4 vs 5  87.50799  <.0001
## M.gls5     6 26 3478.152 3598.066 -1713.076 5 vs 6  92.64159  <.0001
## M.gls6     7 27 3475.019 3599.544 -1710.509 6 vs 7   5.13372  0.0235
## M.gls7     8 49 3431.511 3657.501 -1666.755 7 vs 8  87.50783  <.0001
## M.gls8     9 37 3414.817 3585.463 -1670.409 8 vs 9   7.30654  0.8367

Ooh la la looks like varPower(form=~ DML | fMONTH) is the best model

##        Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M.lm       1 25 3752.084 3867.385 -1851.042                        
## M.gls4     2 37 3407.511 3578.156 -1666.755 1 vs 2 368.5728  <.0001

Let’s graphically confirm.

First look at ordinary residuals

E1 <- resid(M.gls4)
coplot(E1 ~ DML | fMONTH,ylab="Ordinary residuals",
      data = Squid)

Turns out we should actually look at normalized residuals for model validation. Calculate the observed minus the fitted values and then divide by the square root of the variance. There shouldn’t be any heteroskedasticity.

E2 <- resid(M.gls4, type = "normalized")
coplot(E2 ~ DML | fMONTH, data = Squid,
       ylab = "Normalised residuals")

## Denom. DF: 744 
##             numDF   F-value p-value
## (Intercept)     1 1920.1217  <.0001
## DML             1 1023.5976  <.0001
## fMONTH         11   71.0854  <.0001
## DML:fMONTH     11   23.9790  <.0001

Some notes for picking var functions from the book:

  • If the variance covariate is a nominal variable use varIdent.
  • varFixed assumes that the variance of the residuals is linearly related to a variance covariate.
  • varPower should not be used if the variance covariate takes the value of zero.

If you want more!

Second example: Benthic Biodiversity in nutrient amended tanks

Biodiversity <- read.table(file = "data/Biodiversity.txt", header = TRUE, dec=",") 

## 'data.frame':    108 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ MU           : int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
##  $ Mesocosm     : int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
##  $ Abundance    : int  0 0 0 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ Biomass      : num  0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Treatment    : Factor w/ 2 levels "Algae","NoAlgae": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ Nutrient     : Factor w/ 3 levels "NH4","NO3","PO3": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ Concentration: num  2.49 1.18 3.83 3.04 2.19 ...
##  $ fTreatment   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Algae","NoAlgae": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ fNutrient    : Factor w/ 3 levels "NH4","NO3","PO3": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...

Create several models with different variance covariates


M0<-gls(Concentration~Biomass*fTreatment*fNutrient, ## linear model without any variance covariates
      data = Biodiv)
    data = Biodiv) ## just one variance covariate per nutrient enrichment combination
    data=Biodiv) ## Nutrient covariates
    data = Biodiv) ## Enrichment covariates

##     Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test   L.Ratio p-value
## M0      1 13 534.5203 567.8569 -254.2602                         
## M1A     2 18 330.1298 376.2881 -147.0649 1 vs 2 214.39054  <.0001
## M1B     3 15 380.0830 418.5482 -175.0415 2 vs 3  55.95320  <.0001
## M1C     4 14 439.7639 475.6647 -205.8819 3 vs 4  61.68087  <.0001

Looks like varIdent is best because nominal variables are important

## Denom. DF: 96 
##                              numDF   F-value p-value
## (Intercept)                      1 205.73777  <.0001
## Biomass                          1   1.22179  0.2718
## fTreatment                       1  14.62897  0.0002
## fNutrient                        2   1.57754  0.2118
## Biomass:fTreatment               1   0.26657  0.6068
## Biomass:fNutrient                2   4.17802  0.0182
## fTreatment:fNutrient             2 121.57149  <.0001
## Biomass:fTreatment:fNutrient     2   1.09043  0.3402
## Generalized least squares fit by REML
##   Model: Concentration ~ Biomass * fTreatment * fNutrient 
##   Data: Biodiv 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   330.1298 376.2881 -147.0649
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
##  Formula: ~1 | fTreatment * fNutrient 
##  Parameter estimates:
## NoAlgae*NO3   Algae*NO3 NoAlgae*NH4   Algae*NH4 NoAlgae*PO3   Algae*PO3 
##   1.0000000   0.5722142   1.4163868   9.4464102   0.4997455   1.2528435 
## Coefficients:
##                                             Value Std.Error   t-value
## (Intercept)                             13.732722  3.036860  4.522014
## Biomass                                  2.048667  2.551473  0.802935
## fTreatmentNoAlgae                      -13.249694  3.070807 -4.314727
## fNutrientNO3                           -13.626056  3.042426 -4.478681
## fNutrientPO3                           -11.498913  3.063452 -3.753580
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae               -1.447933  2.579994 -0.561216
## Biomass:fNutrientNO3                    -2.043667  2.556149 -0.799510
## Biomass:fNutrientPO3                    -1.862453  2.573815 -0.723616
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3          16.022361  3.093064  5.180093
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3          11.430101  3.101272  3.685617
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3   0.846933  2.598694  0.325907
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3   1.522827  2.605590  0.584446
##                                        p-value
## (Intercept)                             0.0000
## Biomass                                 0.4240
## fTreatmentNoAlgae                       0.0000
## fNutrientNO3                            0.0000
## fNutrientPO3                            0.0003
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae               0.5760
## Biomass:fNutrientNO3                    0.4260
## Biomass:fNutrientPO3                    0.4711
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3          0.0000
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3          0.0004
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3  0.7452
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3  0.5603
##  Correlation: 
##                                        (Intr) Biomss fTrtNA fNtNO3 fNtPO3
## Biomass                                -0.840                            
## fTreatmentNoAlgae                      -0.989  0.831                     
## fNutrientNO3                           -0.998  0.839  0.987              
## fNutrientPO3                           -0.991  0.833  0.980  0.990       
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae               0.831 -0.989 -0.840 -0.829 -0.824
## Biomass:fNutrientNO3                    0.839 -0.998 -0.829 -0.840 -0.831
## Biomass:fNutrientPO3                    0.833 -0.991 -0.824 -0.831 -0.840
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3          0.982 -0.825 -0.993 -0.984 -0.973
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3          0.979 -0.823 -0.990 -0.977 -0.988
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3 -0.825  0.982  0.834  0.826  0.818
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3 -0.823  0.979  0.832  0.821  0.830
##                                        Bm:TNA B:NNO3 B:NPO3 fTNA:NN
## Biomass                                                            
## fTreatmentNoAlgae                                                  
## fNutrientNO3                                                       
## fNutrientPO3                                                       
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae                                          
## Biomass:fNutrientNO3                    0.987                      
## Biomass:fNutrientPO3                    0.980  0.990               
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3          0.834  0.826  0.818        
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3          0.832  0.821  0.830  0.983 
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3 -0.993 -0.984 -0.973 -0.840 
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3 -0.990 -0.977 -0.988 -0.826 
##                                        fTNA:NP B:TNA:NN
## Biomass                                                
## fTreatmentNoAlgae                                      
## fNutrientNO3                                           
## fNutrientPO3                                           
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae                              
## Biomass:fNutrientNO3                                   
## Biomass:fNutrientPO3                                   
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3                         
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3                         
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3 -0.826          
## Biomass:fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3 -0.840   0.983  
## Standardized residuals:
##        Min         Q1        Med         Q3        Max 
## -2.2905730 -0.5536841 -0.2296708  0.5618761  3.8825074 
## Residual standard error: 0.7396985 
## Degrees of freedom: 108 total; 96 residual

Drop the three-way interaction term

M2A1<-gls(Concentration ~ Biomass + fTreatment +
           fNutrient +
           Biomass:fTreatment +
           Biomass:fNutrient +
           fTreatment:fNutrient +
           weights = varIdent(form =~ 1 | fTreatment *
           method = "ML", data = Biodiv)

M2A2<-gls(Concentration ~ Biomass + fTreatment +
           Nutrient +
           Biomass:fTreatment +
           Biomass:fNutrient +
           weights=varIdent(form =~ 1 |
          method="ML", data = Biodiv)

##      Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M2A1     1 18 321.0648 369.3432 -142.5324                        
## M2A2     2 16 319.4653 362.3794 -143.7327 1 vs 2 2.400507  0.3011

Next, assess the significance of all three of the two-way interactions using ANOVAs

Drop Biomass:Treatment

##          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test L.Ratio p-value
## M3.Full      1 16 319.4653 362.3794 -143.7327                       
## M3.Drop1     2 15 319.3730 359.6050 -144.6865 1 vs 2 1.90768  0.1672

Drop Biomass:Nutrient

##          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M3.Full      1 16 319.4653 362.3794 -143.7327                        
## M3.Drop2     2 14 323.2165 360.7664 -147.6083 1 vs 2 7.751179  0.0207

Drop Treatment:Nutrient

##          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M3.Full      1 16 319.4653 362.3794 -143.7327                        
## M3.Drop3     2 14 403.3288 440.8786 -187.6644 1 vs 2 87.86346  <.0001

Conclusion: drop Biomass:fTreatment

Alternative coding


#Drop Biomass:fTreatment
#Drop Biomass:fNutrient
##Full model

#Drop Biomass:fNutrient
M4.Drop1 <- update(M4.Full, .~. -Biomass:fNutrient )

#Drop fTreatment:fNutrient
M4.Drop2 <- update(M4.Full, .~. -fTreatment:fNutrient )

Continue dropping variables


#Drop fTreatment:fNutrient
M5.Drop1 <- update(M5.Full, .~. -fTreatment:fNutrient)
##          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M5.Full      1 13 321.7872 356.6549 -147.8936                        
## M5.Drop1     2 11 406.7950 436.2985 -192.3975 1 vs 2 89.00786  <.0001

Drop Biomass

M5.Drop2 <- update(M5.Full, .~. -Biomass)
##          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M5.Full      1 13 321.7872 356.6549 -147.8936                        
## M5.Drop2     2 12 321.2595 353.4450 -148.6297 1 vs 2 1.472279   0.225
#New full model

M6.Drop1 <- update(M6.Full, .~. -fTreatment:fNutrient)
##          Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
## M6.Full      1 12 321.2595 353.4450 -148.6297                        
## M6.Drop1     2 10 406.0323 432.8536 -193.0161 1 vs 2 88.77283  <.0001
The aftermath

Final model after insignificant variables are dropped



plot(x=Fit,y=E,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals",
main="Residuals versus fitted values")

## Generalized least squares fit by REML
##   Model: Concentration ~ fTreatment + fNutrient + fTreatment:fNutrient 
##   Data: Biodiv 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   327.9174 359.4171 -151.9587
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
##  Formula: ~1 | fTreatment * fNutrient 
##  Parameter estimates:
## NoAlgae*NO3   Algae*NO3 NoAlgae*NH4   Algae*NH4 NoAlgae*PO3   Algae*PO3 
##   1.0000000   0.5010466   1.3323362   8.4363584   0.4860658   1.1073351 
## Coefficients:
##                                    Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
## (Intercept)                     15.78139  1.629670  9.683792       0
## fTreatmentNoAlgae              -14.69763  1.649868 -8.908365       0
## fNutrientNO3                   -15.66972  1.632542 -9.598358       0
## fNutrientPO3                   -13.36137  1.643649 -8.129088       0
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3  16.86929  1.663956 10.138067       0
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3  12.95293  1.666324  7.773353       0
##  Correlation: 
##                                (Intr) fTrtNA fNtNO3 fNtPO3 fTNA:NN
## fTreatmentNoAlgae              -0.988                             
## fNutrientNO3                   -0.998  0.986                      
## fNutrientPO3                   -0.991  0.979  0.990               
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientNO3  0.979 -0.992 -0.981 -0.971        
## fTreatmentNoAlgae:fNutrientPO3  0.978 -0.990 -0.976 -0.986  0.982 
## Standardized residuals:
##        Min         Q1        Med         Q3        Max 
## -2.2062707 -0.6078788 -0.2069959  0.5250832  4.0019026 
## Residual standard error: 0.8195605 
## Degrees of freedom: 108 total; 102 residual

Explore findings graphically

Discussion Questions

  • Are there other ways you deal with heterskedasticity/heterogeneity in regressions?
  • Are there faster methods for eliminating interactions and variables than shown in the text? What if you have a lot of random/explanatory variables?
  • Are there other types of heterskedasticity you deal with in your data?